Sunday 10 January 2016

War of the Roses - Warwick's flight - Lion Rampant

This is a "what if?" battle we did using Lion Rampant rules.
The story was that it was after the rout at Ludford, (or the battle of Ludford) where the Lancastrian and yorkist armies had a stand off, but in the night Andrew Trollope and a troop professional soldiers, who had been promised by the yorkists that he and his men would not have to fight the King only his "evil counsellors", found themselves about to fight their King in the morning, defected to the lancastrains in the night and the yorkists all ran away. All the prominent yorkist rebels fled to Ireland, but what if the King and the Duke of Buckingham had been able to pursue them and cornered them as they tried to escape?
In our battle the Duke of Buckingham had cornered Richard Neville (Warwick the king maker) and his father Salisbury and attempted to kill them. They had to escape the field.   
The Neville household....dismounted men at arms 
men at arms....dismounted men at arms
Yorkist retainer's...foot sergeants
veteran longbow men (who had probably fought in 100 years war) archers

The Duke of Buckingham household....dismounted men at arms
Andrew Trollope's professional soldiers....dismounted men at arms
Duke of Buckingham's mounted troops....mounted men at arms
Lancastrain retainer's...foot sergeants  
The board, in the centre of the field a troop of Andrew Trollop's men at arms guarded the road. while mounted men at arms rode on from the rear.  
The Neville men at arms scan the field. 
Warwick sees that the lancastrains have managed to seek him out in the early morning of the 12th of October, his sins have caught up with him, in the shape of Buckingham's men. 
Then suddenly out of the woods to their rear the Duke himself and a group of retainers appear. 
The yorkists quickly respond by sending a troop of retainers into their lancastrain counterparts. But the lancastrains come off the better pushing off their assailants.  
The duke of Buckingham's men rush at the archers, who turn and loose a hail of terrible shafts into them, killing three of them! 
The Duke rallies his remaining men. The Yorkist men at arms move up the field unhindered.   
The duke again orders his men to charge, but they are going nowhere, and the longbow men start shooting again, raining arrows onto them, shooting down all but the duke.
Both troops of yorkist men at arms pin the lancastrians who are defending the hedge. 
Warwick's men cut down four of the men at arms and send them back over the road, as the yorkist infantry take the road further up.  
The mounted men at arms charge the yorkist men at arms behind the hedge, killing three of them before one of their own men is killed and they retire back.  
Warwick's men reform. 
The longbow men shoot down the duke and the retainers flee!  
They charge again but kill only one men at arms before three of their horsemen are hauled from the saddle and hacked to death!
The yorkists pursue the fleeing lancastrians killing many of them. 
The mounted men at arms charge again but all flee, with only one man left.
The last lancastrain leaves the battle.

A Clear Yorkist Victory! 

The lancastrains had lost every unit on the field, but not one of the yokist troops had been fled the battle. 
The yorkist commanders were are free to leave England and reform in Ireland.  
By M

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