Wednesday 8 April 2015

Host's of the Brigands - M's Napoleonic British

My British army

Starting off with some shots of the marines. These are all Victrix miniatures with metal heads from Brigade Games Napoleonic range.    

I did't get the command, so all the command are plastic conversions.

Now for a sub division, the light company of the 28th north Gloucester (Victrix)

An ensign, I did't know when I made these ones that light company officers where meant to wear shakos. to think of names for these guys.

Corporal and light company captain planning.

Light company captain

Light company of the 28th

The 4th centre company of the 28th (Victrix)

One of my greater efforts, the company numbers 46 men (and 50 when I have finished painting) Which is almost exactly (1 man over really) the size of a company of the 28th during the peninsular war.      

Centre company captain, this man would be in command of the whole company.

Lieutenant or ensign

An old corporal

Centre company Sergeant

A young corporal

I imagined when I was painting this guy he had been grazed by a bullet or been in a explosion, and was rallying his disheartened men by showing them he was alive.

A fearsome sight for any French column.

The 4th company of the 28th

Grenadier sub division of the 28th  (Victrix)

The grenadiers where the best men in the regiment, chosen for their height, strength and fighting prowess so I put them mostly in charging poses.    

I tried to paint them much brighter. But it doesn't show on camera.

The fife arms were from Warlord Games' English Civil War set, put on a drummer.

Grenadier company lieutenant

A gallant grenadier officer leading his men.

This was a plastic conversion, changing the angle of the leg into a running pose.

High command (foundry)

Interrogating a French dragoon officer (the navel officer is victrix)

Colonel of the 28th and Picton, we use Picton mostly as a civilian or doctor.

Assistant surgeon and mule.

Staff table scratch built.

My only French, 10 dragoons.

5th centre company on the way.

Sappers and stuff.

Tired Solider and grenadier lighting fuse.

Sapper or pioneer, (Victrix conversion)

Sappers and engineers in the making. (Victrix with Perry 100 Years War infantry plastic arms)
I don't know any other way of getting Peninsular Sappers?   

by M

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