Wednesday 1 April 2015

War of the Roses - Twelth Night Hunting - LOTR tSBG

This is a game we did a while ago, on the twelfth day of Christmas to be precise, but did't get round to posting it till now.
The back story for this game was that a local Lancastrian lord goes out with his three faithful hounds for a Christmas hunt. But a group of Yorkistly disposed yokels get together and decide to strike a blow for York and kill their lord while he is alone in the forest. Hearing rumour of the plot, the lord's men at arms take to horse and rush to the forest, hoping they are not too late...

Lacastrains: 1 mounted lord (a leaping), 3 hounds (a dancing) and 12 mounted men at arms (a riding)
Yorkists: 6 peasants with crossbows and 3 peasants with hand weapons(all a plotting)

We used Lord of the Rings the Strategy Battle Game rules and decided the peasants could hide if they were 3" from an enemy model and move unseen from tree to tree.        

The 5th Earl de Sharkly rides out prepared for nothing worse then a good ride in his forest and a few fat wild boars.  

As he rides off the path he sees one of his dogs suddenly stiffen in his tracks. A dark shadow swings out from under a tree and makes itself seen as a armed man bringing a crossbow with him!

As the would be assassin steps forward into the light, there is a screaming whinny from the horse as the crossbow fires, killing it, and several more bolts strike the earth about de Sharkly, one hitting him in the arm, wounding him. The forest suddenly comes alive with stealthy men making their way grimly towards their quarry.  

De Sharkly seized his sword and rushed on his assailant cutting him down in righteous rage,  he then sent one of his dogs for aid and the other two running off to attack the peasants. A crossbowman seeing one of the great hounds charging on to his companion took aim and shot it though the throat.          
 The hooves of the men at arms' horses could be heard approaching, guided by the  baying of the hounds. De Sharkly thinking he had been rescued caught up his boar spear  and openly charged upon a peasant, but as he ran a volley of bolts flew though the trees, one hit him through the heart and he fell to the ground dead.
As the game had not lasted very long we decided that lancastrians could bring the game to a draw if they could kill a randomly selected number of peasants who had to try to get off the board.               
The first man at arms bursts into the forest, charging towards one of the crossbowmen who had bravely stayed to shot at de Sharkly instead of run before the imminent arrival of the horse men.    

Courageously holding his ground the crossbow man coolly places a blot in his crossbow, shoulders it and fires killing the horse, he then turns and runs to hide leaving the man at arms to get to his feet.
One of the crossbowmen was caught by one of the hounds when he was running from one tree to another, he was sized by the leg and the swung round to try to beat if off with his crossbow and the fight ended with the dog forcing the peasant back. On the other side of the forest more men at arms where arriving and searching for the brave crossbowman who had shot down one of the men at arms' horses, but though three men searched the bushes where he was hiding they failed to find him!      
The men at arms continue to search the trees and undergrowth till one mounted men at arms sees a crossbow man running for his life, but as he charges the crossbow man amazingly hits him (another one!) killing him instantly!  
With that the archer turns and run off, escaping with a few remaining and bloody companions. Their mission completed and still unknown they run back to there homes discarding, or hiding their masks and weapons, having dealt a great blow to Lancaster, though not unscathed as quiet a few of their men too were killed!  

                                                             A Yorkist Victory!  


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