Saturday 10 March 2012

War in Wattonford: Siege of mount Bloodhorn

This was the store's special game: Siege of mount bloodhorn. It was meant to be a siege between two forces fighting over a ghostly garrison... however one of the staff who was meant to be bringing it was unwell and so we had three buildings that counted as objectives, but soon the manager ditched this and turned it into an all out old fashioned Victory points.
One side was composed of 2k of the store's vampire counts plus 750pts of warriors of chaos who arrived in turn 4. Our side was composed of 1k of Tomb kings and 1k of my Warriors of chaos plus 750pts of tomb kings that arrived in turn 4.

Host of Khemri and Slaanesh's chosen
Liche priest
3 chariots
34 skeleton warriors
19 skeleton archers
3 carrion
khemrian warsphinx
Exalted hero Valmir aesling on juggernaut
5 Marauder horse
5 Marauder horse
5 marauder horse
5 chaos knights
(Liche priest
39 skeleton warriors
6 chariots
tomb scorpion)

Lazzarus Vangheist's Legion of Wattonford and Tzeentch's chosen
Ghoul king Lazzarus Vangheist
Necromancer Scottus II in corpse cart
Necromancer Christofen
40 skeleton warriors
20 crypt ghouls
5 hexwraiths
6 crypt horors
Mortis engine
(Tzeentch sorcerer
17 warriors of chaos
5 knights of chaos)
Turn one for the Vampire counts set us back quiet a bit. Their crypt horrors charged my marauders on the left flank, sending them fleeing, whilst the hexwraiths and terrorgheist swapped their positions, which would force my giant and knight to swap as well. The rest of the force advanced.

In our turn one Valmir aesling Charged into the hexwraiths, but sadly the knights failed their charge to support him. The remaining horsemen then manouvered round to face the vampiric flanks with one unit infiltrating enemy lines. My giant, Kholec bone crusher then moved round to try and catch the terrorgheist. The rest of the force simply walked forward.
In our shooting phase the tomb kings opened up with all their bow fire and killed a crypt horror and wounded another.
In the combat Valmir Massacred all the hexwraiths with his sword of battle before overunning straight into the terror gheist's  face (which the manager is gleefully turning to face him).

 In the vampiric turn two the terrorgheist screamed at Valmir aesling, killing the exalted hero. In the magic phase Scottus then raised 6 zombies right in the path of the khemrian warsphinx and Marauder horsemen.

 Our turn three and the Skeletal chariots charged the horde of skeletons, one singling Christoffen out. The Warsphinx and Horsemen then charged into the 6 zombies while their fellows charged the mortis engine. The Giant and the knights then wheeled round onto the vampiric flank.
In the combat the chariots took out 18 of the skeletal horde, also wounding Christoffen twice. The zombies were easily massacred and did no damage themselves, but the mortis engine blasted off it's assailants.
Then the Tzeentchites arrived...

 The vampiric turn four saw the arrival of the forces of Tzeentch from the banks of the river Bloodhorn. Also the Chaos knights suffred a charge from the Terrorgheist. Very quickly all had been popped open by its scream and it was searching for its next victim. That combat then saw the Skeletal horde of Christoffen supported by the flanking ghouls of Lazzarus wipe out the skeletal chariots.
Then it was our turn four. Our Tomb king allies then arrived from behind our forces ready to rebuff the ranks of our dwindling flank. My giant then wheeled to face the rears of both the mortis engine and terrorghiest incase one of them decided to move out the way as they had been doing. The Khemrian warsphinx them charged Lazzarus and his ghouls.
In the combat all four of the tomb guard directed their attacks at lazzarus, one scoring a killing blow and smiting the ghoul king with a well aimed spear thrust. After that the Sphinx then trampled 13 of the ghouls leaving the rest to combat resolution. After that the army started to crumble with a Crypt horror falling dead and the mortis engine and terrorgheist taking a host of wounds each. Not a bad day's work for one sphinx.
And with their turn five came charges! The crypt horrors charged the triumphant warsphinx and the terrorgheist confronted the newly arrived chariots head on!

The superbly converted warsphhinx, i simply love the spears

 In the ensuing combat the crypt horrors easily tore down the warsphinx while the terrorgheist smashed to bits three of the chariots, but took a wound from the charioteers. Also the mortis engine charged into the giant, taking two wounds from the giant's chomp attack.

 It was a game decider for the giant as it took great chunks out of the mortis engine, if it could be killed the vampiric force would start to give way, if not they would have destroyed the entire Slaaneshi host and would become even more powerful as the game went on.

 Our turn five saw the large block of skeleton warriors charge the crypt horror conga line.
In the combat the Giant was in its do or die moments, I rolled a chomp attack... If i could roll a 2 or 3 on a D3 I would have killed the mortis engine, healed my giant to full and possibly saved the game for us. I rolled a 2, but the engine took its regeneration saves and saved one of them... Just one more wound and it would have been dead... However there was still chance! If it failed to wond me I would win combat by one and it would die, but it wounded me once and the combat was drawn.
Over with the "super ghouls" the Skeletons killed one for the loss of only one of their own.
After this the mortis engine used its powers to destroy the giant. To round off the game I can say that the tomb scorpion killed the terrorgheist but not before it has destroyed two chariots, the archers killed Scottus II and his corpse cart and the knights smashed up 72 of the skeleton warriors! Wow!
It was a hard fought game but in the end with two wizards, 32 skeletons, 3 crypt horrors, 5 knights, a mortis engine and all the chaos warriors to only two wizards, a chariot, 19 archers, a tomb scorpion and 3 carrion it was a resounding victory for the legion of Wattonford and Tzeentch.
My force, as always in these big games, had been wiped out.

So after myself and the tomb king's player swearing revenge on the legion of wattonford for our defeats last time we had been defeated yet again

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