Monday 27 February 2012

The Hobbit: Incursion into Mirkwood

This game was one of my opponents first LOTR ones and as such only the spider and mouth are his models, the rest are from the studio collection.

This game was designed to represent an incursion into Mirkwood just before the events of the hobbit. I was using the 13 dwarves backed up by a force of Rohirrim lead by Thengel (father of Theoden). They were being met by the mouth of the Necromancer and the Tainted together with their orcs.

The army of the Necromancer
The tainted
The mouth of suaron
Spider Queen
6 warg riders
5 Morgul knights
12 orcs
mordor troll

Raiders of Thorin Oakenshield
Dwarf King (Thorin)
Dwarf Captain (Dwalin)
Theoden (Thengel)
Eomer (eomund)
Captain Elfhelm (Earldermund)
11 Dwarf warriors
15 riders of rohan
1 royal guard

We played the Reconoitre scenario from the Mordor sourcebook. Nearly all my men turned up (except Dwalin who had popped off behind a bush and was still failing to show) whilst only the mouth, knights and troll turned up on the Necromancer's side.
Next turn and the rest of his force showed up as I charged everything for the mouth (He's my opponents favourtie character so I wanted to prioritise his death to have a psychological effect on him). However Dwalin was still failing to turn up, no doubht it was a No. 2.
The first charge happened with my Rohirrim hitting into the Mouth and one of his knights, they let lose their throwing spears as they charged...

... and with the spears fell a morgul knight, also the Mouth took a wound from a spear and failed his fate point.

Both wings were soon falling upon the centre with the battle focused around the clash with the mouth of sauron. Thorin and Earldermund were leading their men as a flank guard directly for him while Thengel was leading his guard straight for the troll. By now Dwalin had finished behind the bush and was sprinting for the combat, almost catching up with Eomund who had been immobilised by the mouth's magic.
But behind the large clumps of undergrowth the tainted and a spider queen were moving up with their orcish hordes.
Then both forces crashede into each other! Thengel and his riders hit the troll, wounding it with a throwing spear. The mouth quickly spurred his horse, riding quickly out the way of the battle, just as the tainted was charged by Earldermund and three riders. The rest of the morgul knights were all charged by riders.
The dwarves were running fast now, but their little legs were finding it hard to get there.
The Spider queen had also spawned two spider swarms as well.
But the combat went badly for Rohan with only one morgul knight slain to three riders killed and Earldermund wounded.
The combat had gone badly with the tainted proving his worth and blasting apart loads of riders.
But now Thorin, Balin and the king's shield bearers Killi and Filli went to try their luck at the Nazgul, and very quickly they had made mince meat of the wraith to no casualties!
This turn had gone allot better, the troll had been wounded, a morgul knight had been killed and the Tainted was gone! But now the very real threat of the orc horde lead by the spider queen was swarming towards them along the flank, thr troll stil wasn't dead and Eomund remained immobilised.
Then the orcs crashed. Thorin and three other dwarves charged into the spider queen while a riderm Filli and Earldermund held up the wargs. Bombur and two others were now making their way round the undergrowth to take on the rest of the orcs. A single rider was fighting the mouth, while Bifur, Balin, Eomund, Killi and three riders were fighting his Knights. Dwalin by now had emerged into the centre of the fighting but was still to late to join in for the moment. The troll was also trapped by Thengel's riders!
And the Dwarves did their magic yet again! Thorin and Bofur hacked apart the spider queen whilst Filli and Earldermund slaughtered their way through the warg riders. Thengel also won renown, slaying the mighty troll, whilst only one morgul knight remained standing.
It appeared now that the mouth and the last knight were surrounded and the only way they could survive was if the orcs broke through the dwarven lines, a very unlickly event.

 Now all the fury of Rohan came to bear on the Mouth of Sauron! Thengel, Eomund, Bifur, Killi and a royal guard surrounded him, to make sure that the evil one did not tell his master of the events of the field! His faithful orcs however did come to his rescue but were all intercepted by dwarven warriors! Including the mighty Dwalin and Balin

And with only one round of combat the mouth was slain and all but three of his orcs and a swarm of spiders were slain. However the mighty knight duelled on, being surrounded by Eomund, Thengel, Dwalin and three riders.

 Under the banner of Rohan and by the hands of men and dwarves, the last of Morgul did fall to spear and axe!

And with but one spider swarm and two orcs remaining the Battle was pronounced a joint victory for Thengel and Thorin Oakenshield, kings of great kingdoms

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