Friday 10 February 2012

Warhammer ancient battles calculator

With this new calculator you can create any new troop type for warhammer ancient battles and keep it legal!

A base model of
Armed with only a hand weapon and with no special rulescosts only 2pts

Any of the equipment below may be given… (* seeVlad the impaler) (+no of points per model, unless stated)
Horse (+1 movement, 6+ armour save and count as cavalry) ………………...+11pts
Buckler (6+ armour save. Only in combat) ………………...+1pt
Shield (6+ armour save) ………………...+2pts
Large shield (5+ armour save) ………………...+4pts
*Pavise (only foot, 5+ armour save against shooting) ………………...+1pt
Light armour (6+ armour save) ………………...+2pts
Heavy armour (5+ armour save. -1 if you have a shield aswell) ………………...+3pts
*Partial plate armour (4+ armour save, may not combinewith shield on horse, -1 movement) ………………...+4pts
*Full plate armour (3+ armour save, may not combine withshield or horse, -1 movement) ………………...+4pts
Javelins (range 8”, strength as user, save modifier 0,ignore -1 for moving and over half range) ………………...+1pt
Throwing spear (infantry may fight in two ranks in thefirst turn of a combat, skirmishers or cavalry may re-roll any to hit dice inthe first turn of a combat) ………………...+1pt
Heavy throwing spear (infantry may fight in two ranks andreceive +1 strength in the first turn of a combat) ………………...+3pts
Thrusting spear (infantry may fight in two ranks if theydid not charge, cavalry receive +1 strength) ………………...+2pts
Pike (may fight in two ranks if they did not charge, alwaysstrike first unless enemy is armed with pikes) ………………...+3pts
*Cloth barding (+1 armour save vs hand to hand, -1movement) ………………...+2pts
*Half barding (+1 armour save vs frontal shooting/combat,-1 movement) ………………...+2pts
Plate barding (+1 armour save, -1 movement) ………………...+4pts
*Light crossbow (range 24”, strength 3, save modifier 0) ………………...+2pts
Short bow (range 16”, strength 3, save modifier 0, mayuse massed fire) ………………...+2pts
Composite bow (range 24”, strength 3, save modifier 0,may use massed fire) ………………...+3pts
Longbow (range 30”, strength 3, save modifier -1, may usemassed fire) ………………... +5pts
*Turkish Grenades (range 4”, strength 4, save modifier-2, grenade special rules, one use only) ………………... +20pts each
Mongol Grenades (may be used in a stand and shoot or fireand flee charge reaction, if the charging unit is cavalry/chariots it must immediatelytest for terror, one use only) ………………... +8pts each
Crossbow (range 30”, strength 4, save modifier -1, maynot move and fire) ………………...+3pts
Sling (range 18”, strength 3, save modifier 0, may firetwice if they did not move and are within 9”) ………………...+1pt
*Staff sling (range 30”, strength 4, save modifier -1,may not move and fire) ………………...+5pts
Pilum (infantry may fight in two ranks and receive +1strength in the first turn of a combat) ………………...+3pts
*Handgun (range 24”, strength 4short/3, save modifier -2short/-1,may not move and fire) ………………...+4pts
Dagger (+1 armour save to the enemy) ………………...-1pt
*Heavy mace (+1 strength to mounted models) ………………...+2pts
*Scythe (always strike last, +2 strength, +1 to hit cav,cav at -1 to hit) ………………...+3pts
Double handed weapons (always strike last, +2 strength) ………………...+2pts
Halberds (+1 strength) ………………...+2pts
Lance (+2 strength) ………………...+3pts
Kontos (+1 strength, always strike first unless enemy isarmed with pikes or kontos) ………………...+4pts
(double all points for heroes)

Any of the stat increases below may be given… (+noof points per model, unless stated)
First +1 strength………………...+2pts
For each additional +1 strength after the first………………...+1pt
For each additional point of movement ………………...+1pt
First +1 toughness ………………...+4pts
For each additional +1 toughness after the first ………………...+2pts
For each additional point of initiative ………………...+2pts
First +1 weapon skill ………………... +4pts
For each additional +1 weapon skill after the first ………………...+2pts
For each additional +1 attack ………………... double points ofall your close combat weapons
For each additional +1 wound ………………... double points ofall your armour
For each additional +1 leadership ………………... +2pts
First +1 Ballistic skill ………………... +2pts
For each additional +1ballistic skill after the first ………………...+1pt
(double all points for heroes)
(To decrease a stat remove half the points cost, roundingup)

Any of the special rules below may be given… (+noof points per model, unless stated)
Light infantry ………………...Free
Stubborn ………………...+1pt
Drilled ………………...+3pts
Fear ………………...+3pts
Terror ………………...+6pts
Skirmishers ………………...Free
Shieldwall (may not move, opponents are at -1 to hit infirst round of a combat)………………...+2pts
Frenzy ………………...+4pts
Hatred ………………...+3pts
Warbands ………………
*Fearsome (Cause fear in models of LD 6 or below)………………...+1pt
*Arrogant pride (If a friendly unit within 12” declares chargeon an enemy unit this unit will then immediately charge the nearest enemy, ormove 4” forward if this is not an option)………………...-2pts
*Guard archers (all models may fire if they did not move)………………...+1pt
*Hidden ambush force (This unit may deploy anywhereoutside the enemy’s line of sight and outside their deployment zone, after allother models have deployed)………………...+3pts
*Permanent Mercenaries (+1 ld) ………………...+2pts
*Tethered camels (the unit causes fear in charging cav)………………...+1pt
*Impetuous (roll a D6 at the beginning of move if 1 isrolled charge towards closest enemy, Must pursue and must overrun)………………...-1pt
*Veterans (may re-roll all its to hit rolls once pergame) ………………...+1pt
*Close order ………………
*Open order………………
*Medieval Phalanx (may not turn to face attack, must haveat least 16 models, may charge and still fight in two ranks, -1 to hit thefront of the unit in combat, mounted models may not charge the front)………………... +1pt
*Mounted infantry (unit may make a cavalry move afterdeployment, and then dismounts)………………...+1pt
*Feigned flight (The unit may flee or fire and flee and immediatelyrallies at the end of its flight. If the charger pursues and catches them theyare not destroyed, instead the count as having charged them)………………...3pts
*Expert horsemen (do not suffer -1 for moving andshooting)………………...1pt
*Parthian shot (may make a move after shooting weapons)………………...2pts
*Nomad cavalry (feigned flight, Parthian shot and experthorse)………………...6pts
*Eastern shock cavalry (If they win combat but the enemydoes not break then they may disengage)………………...+3pts
(double all points for heroes)

Army general+30pts
Strategist +25pts
Army standard bearer +25pts

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