Lloyd used the studio's hoplite army and I used the scythian one.
Historically the battle was set in the Corinthian war. The Scythians were a mercenary army hired by the Corinthians for conducting night attacks, ambushes and scouting. The hoplites were from Sparta and had made camp for the night on the road to Corinth, with king Agesipolis I of Sparta camped in the centre. We used the night attack scenario from "Vlad the Impaler" to represent the conditions of the attack. The mercenary Scythians had been sent by the Corinthians to kill Agesipolis and as many of his hoplites as they could, as well as burning or stealing their supplies. a completly mounted army vs a completly non mounted one!
Spartans (1500pts)
King Agesipolis I
Prince Cleombrotus
10 Peltasts (persian immortal archers in skirmish)
14 spartan hoplites
16 spartan hoplites
16 spartan hoplites
Corinthians (1000pts)
King Madyes
Lord Paratua
7 Bodyguard (cataphracts)
14 horse archers
13 light horse
In the Spartans turn the casualties came quickly! Madyes and his guard killed two of their opponents taking no casualties, their Kontos' proving their worth.
But on the north side what had started off as a mistake quickly became a disaster when the hoplites lead by the king's son dispatched seven of the horse archers taking just one casualty
Madyes and his bodyguard killed off another two hoplites before they were flank charged by the remaining hoplite unit which inflicted no casualties, after this the remaining light horse charged the rear of the already engaged hoplites, leaving three riders to finish off the last peltast.
The two Scythian lords and their warriors made short work of the hoplites chopping up four of them, altough they did take a casualty from the hoplites on their flank. However the light horse didn't have as much luck against the peltasts taking one casualty and inflicting none!
The remaining seven hoplites were quickly dispatched and the horsemen turned on the hoplites on their flank and Agesipolis, killing three of the hoplites to only one casualty. This luck was not duplicated in the north though and the remaining Peltasts finished off her two mounted opponents.
The Hoplites fight on as the horsemen of Scythia quickly dispatch their men.
Lord Paratua again leaps into Madyes' combat killing two hoplites. Over in the north the remaining horse archers rally and start to pester the slow hoplites with their arrows, knowing they are perfectly safe! the other two horse archers begin taking shots at the remaining peltast, desperate to dispatch her.
The combat in the south quickly heightened when Cleombrotus joins the frey, slashing out aginst lord Paratua. the horsemen kill three hoplites, taking two casualties. Meanwhile the other hoplites loom ominously near!
With the charge of the last hoplites the combat comes to a sharp end! Partua and Madyes are both knocked to the ground and captured, the last guards are slain (but not before they kill two hoplites) and the last horseman flees, now only three horse archers remain and the spartans are certain of victory
The three remaining do all that they can knowing that if they kill Agesipolis they could still snatch victory from the Spartans, but their arrows are too week and they only wound him once.
The game end with Agesipolis rushing into battle with the horse archers, who flee.
The game ended in a Spartan victory
Game overview: its a great game and the rules really suit historical fighting, having seen my Bodyguard in action i'm always going to take kontos' where possible as they are game winning! Always strikes first and +1 strength, amazing! I believe that my loss was the fault of a failure to coordinate attacks and rash decision making by the men, my horse archers charge was certainly not a good move and I forgot that if i killed Agesipolis I would automatically win. I now think that i should have devoted more to killing him and maybe a more focused attack from just one direction would have worked better, i could have even kept out of combat and just peppered the king with arrows (29 strength three hits a turn is bound to do something)
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