Heinreich laughed to himself before dismounting to join his squad.
This was my Imperial guard's (the 17th Ger conscripted brigade) first outing. We were playing 1000pts and I far outnumbered may Eldar opponent! I entered this game with the mind set any imperial guard player who makes an entirely infantry/cavalry no heavy weapons/vehicles army should have and expected to be obliterated by my opponent's elite force of Eldar.
Armylists were as follows
17th Ger conscripted brigade
Heinreich Von Brandenburg's, Company command squad (5 man)
company command squad (5 man)
Storm troopers (6 man) meltagun and outflank
Storm troopers (6 man) Deep strike
Guards (10 man)
Guards (10 man)
Guards (10 man)
Guards (10 man)
Guards (10 man)
Rough riders (6 man) meltagun
Rough riders (6 man) meltagun
Craftworld Kaela-Morr
Autarch, aspar fateblade
Doom seer
dire avengers (10 man)
striking scorpions (6 man) Outflank
warp spiders (5 man) deep strike
snipers (6 man)
warp spinner (tank)
Imperial Guard turn 1
In the move phase I managed to run my rough riders halfway across the board in what seemed to me a very ill fated charge! After that I moved my Right flank forwards while holding my left flank back and ordering them all to do platoon fire.
The shooting phase was devastating with a whopping 60 lasgun shots finding their way into the dire avengers. It goes without saying that not a single dire avenger survived.
After ordering the rough riders to advance with all speed they then charged the doom seer, he inflicted no wounds and was wounded by a hunting lance himself. Things were not looking up for the eldar who had at this moment a meagre 8 models and a tank on the board to my 84.
Eldar turn 1
The eldar did little movement save to charge their autarch into the rough riders, hoping to save the doom seer... which he probably would.
In the shooting phase the warp spinner and snipers combined fire on the remaining rough riders, obliterating the squad in a fatalistic charge of the light brigade style.
In the combat the Autarch and doom seer made short work of the rough riders, slicing them up in a whirl of blades.
Guard turn 2
This turn both my storm trooper units arrived, with one of the units outflanking right next to the Tower with the snipers inside and the other deep striking directly in between both battle lines. I then decided to advance the entire forward, easily pushing over the half way mark.
One of the units ordered to run, went charging through the acid spraying out of the pipes with two killed.
Having moved my line forward to shooting phase was fairly uneventful, however I had moved one of my command squads in range of the aerial assaulting storm troopers, ordering them to open up with skirmishing fire on the Doomseer, which they did, killing him!
Combat was uneventful with the Outflanking stormtroopers failing a rush on the tower.
Eldar turn 2
In the Eldar movement their Warp spiders finally arrived, and deployed behind the rear of the right flank guards. The Autarch then started running from the Storm troopers who had shot the doom seer.
In the shooting phase the Warp spiders opened up on some of the guardsmen killing five and sending the rest fleeing straight past them. The warp spinner then opened up on the centre of the guards ranks killing six and forcing one of the units to go to ground.
The Snipers then opened up on some of the storm troopers killing two.
Using their teleport move the warp spiders do a hit and run, having sent a unit fleeing they slink off behind a building.
In the move phase we managed to rally several of the units hit by the warp spinner (unfortunately not the ones targeted by the spiders, who now fled the board). After that the storm troopers began to close in on the tower, grapnels out.
In the shooting phase the unit nearest the warp spiders was directed to open up with skirmishing fire on them, killing all but the Exarch with a hail of close range shots.
In the combat phase both storm trooper squads scaled the tower and assaulted the snipers, losing no casualties and completely wiping out the eldar before abseiling back down the tower and heading for the Autarch.
Eldar turn 3
In the next turn the final block of Eldar reinforcements the striking scorpions arrived from their ranks, charging towards the storm troopers. The Autarch then flew up to the heights of the tower and the remaining warp spider charged the nearest guards.
this phase was completely un eventful save for the Autarch taking out a single guardsman with his missile launcher.
In the combat the Striking scorpions easily slaughtered the storm troopers before they could even react to the space elves chain saws.
Also the lone warpspider rushed into combat with the nearest guards. The guardsmen lost one casualty to the Eldar before their sergeant ran forward and sliced him in two with his power sabre.
Guard turn 4
In our move phase the subordinate commander quickly lead his line forward. On the far left the rallied guards advanced through the acid pipes, managing to march with little mishap.
The Storm troopers and two the two other nearest guards then opened up punishing skirmishing fire on the scorpions killing three of them before charging into combat with them.
In the combat the storm troopers and 5 guards ran into a fight with the scorpions. The scorpions managed to kill all the guards and 3 of the storm troopers before being slaughtered by the sergeants.
The game now left just 1 eldar and a tank against around 30 guardsmen. In the Eldar turn however the Warp spinner blasted apart the last storm trooper and the last 6 guardsmen of one of the units. They also moved their Autarch rather unwisely out of the tower (he would however of been assaulted if he had stayed there)
In my turn I ordered my right flank guards to open up on Fateblade with skirmishing fire, wounding him twice and leaving him nice and vulnerable for Von Brandenburg's subordinate officer.
In the Eldar turn the Autarch charged into my company command squad and was cut down by my officer's power sabre, only killing two of the veterans in the clash.
The warp spinner then opened up in a last ditch attempt to take out the remaining guards.
But even it's guns could not wipe out the last guard units and only killed 6 guardsmen.
The game ended with the Eldar tank remaining against both my command companies and 3 guardsmen. All in all this was a very good game and one I did not expect to win, but as I always say "once you've moved your line into the enemy's table half victory is almost certain!"
Now Rematch!
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