I might take this oppurtunity now to explain more about this weekly game we have on a tuesday. Every Tuesday myself and allot of other people go up to the local sports centre. Myself and a couple of others then have our hour and a half fencing lesson (in which we fight with sabres). Then we go on to sports (in which any sport can happen). Over our Hour lunch brake a rather large collection of wargamers (doing anything from 10mmm wars of the roses to 30mm malifaux) gather round a particular table and I have taken to hosting a wargame on it (recently this only now happens every fortnight as we all play an RPG in every other week). Every one of course plays warhammer (all 40k allot fantasy and some lotr).
Our 750pt lists today were
Clan Wensleydale
Warlord Kevin
Warlock engineer Bob
20 clanrats with command, shields, ratling gun
20 clanrats with command, shields, warpfire thrower
20 slaves
20 slaves
warp lightning cannon
Warlock engineer Bob
20 clanrats with command, shields, ratling gun
20 clanrats with command, shields, warpfire thrower
20 slaves
20 slaves
warp lightning cannon
Artillery Train of Hardenburg
Yann the bold, Warrior priest with armour of meteoric iron
30 Free companies with standard and champion
10 handgunners with marksman with repeater handgun
5 outriders with marksman and bardings
5 outriders with marksman and bardings
Hellblaster volley gun
This was the line up withe my right flank outriders vanguarding fowards.10 handgunners with marksman with repeater handgun
5 outriders with marksman and bardings
5 outriders with marksman and bardings
Hellblaster volley gun
Empire turn 1
Movement consisted of my peasants (all metal models that I got off old glory minatures for £24, consider that 30 plastic ones from GW would cost me £30... metal any day lol) marching towards kevin's clanrats. Magic then consisted of my priest casting hammer of sigmar (re-roll to wound) on the volley gun.
On the right flank I let off all my fire power from both the volley gun and outriders straight at the skaven slaves in front of us. After the smoke cleared only 5 were left out of 20.
On the other flank however the lack of the volley gun showed and my outriders and handgunners let off against the clanrats killing 9 of them, the great thing about this all was I roll a 4+ then a 3+ then no armour save so that many dead!
Skaven turn 1
Then it was the skaven turn. With a horrible blast of krak's call that made me wish I had hit him in the stomach with all the volley gun shots, Bob blasted apart the volley gun, taking an outrider as well.
The 5 slaves then declared a charge and were stood and shot at as they failed it, leaving just two standing. The rest of the force just advanced.
It was the shooting phase that was really nasty as the ratling gun with superb accuracy took down four outrider and the cannon took another four handgunners.
Empire turn 2
In the charging phase Yann lead the peasantry into a charge against kevin's clarats. The Priest then challenged kevin to a duel before sellfishly praying for a 5+ ward save rather than the wiser move of hammer of sigmar on his men (partly because I forgot he could only pray once).
Heed less to say we killed two skaven to a multitude of our own men and the warrior priest drew the duel (failing both armour saves and passing both ward saves). They were all run down.
At the end of that turn then 6 more clarats lay dead on the left while on the right a pitiful 4 slaves had fallen and the crew men had failed their charge on the last two rats. Things were looking down for the empire.
Skaven turn 2
On the left the clarats charged the last outrider who stood and shot, missing with all of them. On the right however none of the skaven moved towards the outriders. In the centre Kevin advanced with his clanrats. The shooting phase was uneventful with the ratling gun spinning madly and the cannon missing.
The combat however saw my last outrider fall to 5 clanrats.
Empire turn 3
In my turn I let lose with my outriders at the large unit of slaves. We killed seven and the they started running for the board edge. Over on the left my handgunners then took revenge on the clanrats, killing all five.
Skaven turn 3
Kevin and his clarats charged the handgunner who stood and shot killing three, while the two slaves charged the outriders and were stood and shot at, completly obliterating them. In the combat it goes without saying that the handgunner fled off the board and was pursued.
Empire turn 4
It was the last turn as the skaven were now to far away to catch my men. The last outriders let off their guns at bob and the engineer was naught but a fur ball riddled with bullets. However I had lost. And the skaven stood victorious.
Obsidian Guard 535
Hardenburg 935
Clan wenleydale 685
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